Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 With Urdu & English

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 With Urdu & English

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 With Urdu & English Will Be UI’d like to know what concession you’ve made since it wasn’t taken by blood. Ali Selcuklu does not make concessions, he gives respite. When the time comes, he gets what he wants. Don’t worry, Osman Bey. I said that it is good that the vizier is here. God bless you. As you can see, Osman Bey. I came here to establish order. Not for heartbreak. Thank you, Vizier Alem Shah. You did not leave the beech’s valiant in the hands of the infidel. Osman Bey is also pleased with this. Thank you, Vizier Alem Shah.

Your kindness will definitely be rewarded. Apart from this,

Osman Bey will not give permission without us knowing, not a single raid, not a single conquest, not a single agreement will be made. We will make peace in Gard and march on the Mongol. You say your goodness does not go unrequited. The opposite is clear. Mr. Osman. Absolute obedience. Storm. Brother. You are fine. Thank you sir. I’m fine as long as I ‘m healthy. But I would expect you to take me away from that bastard, not this vizier . Brother. What does your mouth say? We come from İnegöl for you. Every time I got whipped ,

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 With Urdu & English

The poison took his breath away first. Shush! Then his veins ruptured. Shut up! Do you know how painful this is? Such an unbelievable pain! He crept to death. My wife was martyred for a trust. Let that degenerate who slaughtered my lady surpass my flesh and skin, my lord. It pierced my heart and my soul. For a trust. Was it worth all the pain, sir? Sir. Mazur see you. He is not in his right mind. Brother. These words you say are from these wounds.

Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 With Urdu & English

pusats. Are you okay bro? you are fine. My brother. What are you doing here bro? Vizier Alem Shah sent word. I came to find out what you want. I hope Boran will be fine. Whoever does this to my alps, Boran, I will make hell in this world. I swear I will not put him in peace in both worlds. My vizier. We took Sheikh Edebali as you ordered. As you might think, Osman Bey is offended. Superb. It’s time to visit Edebalı. You are welcome, sir. What happened sir? I hope it’s good? Vizier Alem Shah says that he brought peace and order. When he says so,

Osman Bey must also abide by it. What would Osman Bey

say to this situation Sounds like he’ll be convinced? -It will, Ayşe. I will persuade. The task is clear. Look, winter is at the door. And such a situation, the Turkmen cannot bear. God forbid, the world will be devastated. In short, peace is not a choice, it is a necessity. I hope it will be whatever is good for our oba, sir. Hopefully. Gunduz Bey, is there a destur? Come on, Rasheed. My Bey, Osman Bey waits in the room. Why could n’t the vizier have informed beforehand? Obviously he has an account with us too. That’s right. Like that. Gathered men. He would hand over Boran back to back.

His intention is to damage Kayı’s reputation. What was

he doing there during the day?  Brother. You skipped the talk at the inn. You say now. What were you doing with the grandchild of the Vizier without telling anyone? He wanted to see Osman Bey’s older brother before. Then he invited me to the wedding. Shall we say no? Oh my Gunduz, be careful. His intention is not pure. I told you when you first came. Belli eats with the wolf and cries with the shepherd. hey. It is up to the Kayi tribe to be cautious. We don’t always have roses in our soil. Of course there will be weeds as well. God willing. I hope we will remove those weeds as well .

Hopefully. But for now we will wait. When my Sheikh Edebalı

arrives in Konya, let him learn the truth of the matter. We will act accordingly. Then patience for now, Osman Bey. Your wound is serious, you should rest. Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 11 With Urdu & English Dear Sheikh Edebalı, you can’t go wrong with the doctor’s word. You stay here until you find a cure. Besides, it is not clear what Koses will do . This place is safe. It doesn’t matter, we are waiting for you. Fortunately, Konur used to go to Konya. It’s tawafuk.

He was going to be instrumental in getting rid of that treacherous ambush. thanks. Thank you, too. It is necessary to send a messenger to Osman Bey. Don’t worry yourself about them . You take your rest. We will handle it. Thanks. Sorry.

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