Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles you gave us a dormitory, Mr. Osman? The girl inadmin throws both obays into the gayya well!Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles  You and your father will force my patience. Tell your Alps to hold back. Do not leave me between my master’s command and my respect for you. Will you sell horses to my enemy out of respect for me? We talked about trade with you before the dormitory.

You said that you would not interfere in our homeland or trade.

We honored his word, we responded to his invitation Now you can either keep your word or we will roll into the gayya well together. Alps! You can confiscate those horses as soon as I can get an accident! Bahadır! How long has Kayı begun to cut the road, Osman Bey? This is your banditry. I allowed to trade. Not to arm my enemy! Trade your sheep,

Sell your sheep, sell the goat, sell the milk. But not a horse!

The horse is the weapon of the Turks! You can’t sell horses! You cannot sell stallions! You can’t sell pusat! You can’t sell arrows! He should buy his goods and go to İnegöl and only trade. These horses will also come to my obama. I’ll give twice what Nikola gave. This irreverent betrayal will end here too. Let him seek betrayal in your own camp, Osman Bey. As long as that traitor lives, we will not have unity or vitality. You should know that well. Alps! Lets.

Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles I’ll kill that traitor. Which villain are you talking about, Mr. Bamsi? It was Idris, the treacherous potter in the obel, and he died. Which traitor do you talk about? When did the betrayal end, Mr. Dundar? When is the betrayal over! Ahan will stop bleeding within us! I will find and kill that traitor, Dündar. We lost traces, sir. Come on, go! Come on! Lets! May my Gonca endure, let’s hold it, my rose! Hang on my daughter.

Lets! Let Bamsi leave, let’s take Abdurrahman Gazi to the camp. Take off your hand! Take your hand, Dündar! Take off your hand! Alps! Alps! Alps! See what happened to us? Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 2 With Urdu Subtitles See what happened to us! Abdurrahman Gazi was martyred. Abdurrahman Gazi!

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