Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitles Veteran has been martyred, sir. Who did that? Bala also takes Gonca and the wounded horses to the camp. Who did this! Who did this! Togay did it, my lord. Togay. The sons. Did you see the alps, did you see what happened? See what happened? Abdurrahman Gazi reached the rank of martyrdom. Vote, Gazim! Bamsi’s two eyes. Come on, pause. Let’s get up and pause again.

Like you did on many trips before. Let him stand up,

stop again. Let the mane jump to his black horse and the vote will go from war to war! You can reach the mountains with beautiful bosoms and reach the mountains. Come on, my valiant alp, Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitlesmy valiant gas. We were going to arrive together. We were going to arrive together. You are now martyred. Togay! Abdurrahman Gazi, my two eyes, now you are martyred.

Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitles

bin is dead now … The thousand are dead! Oy Lord! Let these veterans give a place in heaven next to our sister, these veterans alpe. Let these veterans alpe in your paradise. I am Osman. Abdurrahman Gazi has passed away. He reached the rank of martyrdom.Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitles My voting gas, let your plane be where you arrive. Alps! Abdurrahman Gazi set off like a caravan, passed away. He also put me here alone. Hey, his father heirloom Abdurrahman Gazi. Non…

You reached the level of non-martyrdom.

Now also to us. The rank of revenge suits. Is there any deck? Come in. Did the caravan arrive in İnegöl? Osman Bey cut our way and seized the horses. Ah Bey Osman ah! If you only knew that my intention was pure! If you could reveal that traitor in your Oban! Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitles That’s when we would wash that kefere’s castle with you! But, but in vain. What are we going to do, dad? Osman is very angry unaware of his intention. He allowed us to take the goods to İnegöl but seized the horses.

It seems unlikely to crash into the castle!

It’s time to meet with Mr. Osman. Let me come with you, my father. You prepare the alps. Your command is yours. Umur Bey sent the goods we wanted. But it was not good for Osman to seize the horses. Do you think I care about the horses, Helen?Buyuk Selcuklu Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitles

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